

Thursday 24 March 2016



                            Everyone is a promoter, you know like them music promoters just that what I mean is not just restricted to music. In Today’s world everyday a lot of information material (content) is thrown at us from a billion sources through different means. In this article please note I would be using the word ‘content’ in place of the phrase ‘information material’. People’s ideas and concepts are passed across in content to the outside world and these get to us by means of promoters.
Now there are the people that are promoters by profession, like advert companies and stuff. But in reality almost every human being that’s socially active is a promoter. I say so cause means of promotion have become a necessity and some actually very common and cheap (CC). Look at you for example you might have a designer t-shirt with an inscription on it written by only God knows who but its passing across a person’s idea, concept and way of thinking(promotion) cause its content and your shirt is CC (just joking). But looking closely although we paid for this stuff we are actually doing more for the producers than we realize and I don’t think there’s much we can do about that, still we can control what we promote.

                            What are you promoting, does your t-shirt have an inscription of ‘f**k you on it’ or does your phone contain porn videos, are you that kind of person; a junkie or a real life pimp. We can’t get so overwhelmed with content that we can no longer control what we promote. Have your own NBC in your spirit that bans negatively explicit content.  Promote whatsoever is good, honest, lovely, pure and of a good report.

                                                                                                                           Adewolu Christian.

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